Monday, February 13, 2012


So, were in 2012 now %26amp; 3 days after christmas ive ordered some bits from china i got my confirmation email adress and they gave me 'Intmail' at first the website was Chinese untill i typed in on google, IntMail tracking order %26amp; it came up with the actually site cause the Chinese one was strange and you could order Chinese food lol.. Ive tracked my order and it said last week 'arrival at transit office of exchange' i checked again this week %26amp; it says 'departure from outward office of exchange' Some of the reviews i red on this website aren't really good, someone had 2 months for there parcel! I cant afford to wait that long but i don't know what i can do about it?! .. So anyone who has ordered from china %26amp; been given Intmail to track, please let me know if you actually recived your items! Please!INTMAIL CHINA DELIVERY?!?! help..?
"Departure from outward office of exhange" basically means that your package has cleared chinese customs and is either waiting for a plain to your country, or is already on a plane to your country. I ordered something from china the other day and my order is currently on the same status as yours so theres nothing to worry about :) your package will come in about 2 weeks

hope that helps!INTMAIL CHINA DELIVERY?!?! help..?
Why order from china in the first place? I've had a bad experience with those ******* MORONS, and since that day, I've never trusted those ******* CHINESE PEOPLE again.INTMAIL CHINA DELIVERY?!?! help..?
whats the website you ordered from?
Hi guys, its Chloe by the way, the one who posted this question, unfortunately my yahoo account doesn't work, i wasnt going to bother making another, but i thought id just let you all know.. MY PARCEL CAME! wooho! It came yesterday morning, im so happy!:D he he, thank-you Matt J, i was really on edge about the whole ordering from china, but yeah i will not be ordering from there again! Took to long, it said 7-10 working days and took 3 weeks and a few days! I felt like pulling my hair out, the website was called ' ' but be carefull cause theres one in Chinese wrighting.. but the English one is here, there you go! Seriously though, i thought i was going to be scammed! But luckily it came hehe! Thanks guys! XX

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