It has about 130 miles on the clock, TDi, P reg. Just got the gearbox sorted cost me 拢600 pound. Bought it 4 years ago for 拢4500.At what point should should I sell my audi A4?at ebay.comAt what point should should I sell my audi A4?
er, when you sick of it ?At what point should should I sell my audi A4?Depends on your reasons and desire to get rid of it, but one thing to consider is how much you owe on it vs. how much its worth. If its completely paid off, sell it anytime. Sounds like you are not in the US, so I don't know if will help you, but that's a popular tool for determinging values on vehicles over here.At what point should should I sell my audi A4?
shouldnt of bought it in first place.....At what point should should I sell my audi A4?when car starts costing you more than its worth or when car doesent suit youAt what point should should I sell my audi A4?
When u get sick of it.
If you sell it, put it on
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