Monday, February 13, 2012

Imprint credit card from a delivery?

I thought we did away with imprints? I just ordered chinese food and I gave them all my info over the phone, then they wanted an imprint of my credit card when they delivered the food. I told them i would not give them an imprint because who knows what they do with those receipts. Or what if he drops it on his way back to the car??? Its not like they don't have your address if there is a problem with the credit card company. I don't see how this is legal, does anyone have any info covering this??Imprint credit card from a delivery?
Imprints are still legal and while not common do occur. The most common occurrence for them is when a businesses regular computerized system is "off-line".

The reason the restaurant did this is as an additional verification so if you happen to dispute the charge they have a physical copy of the imprint rather than just information you gave them over the phone. They were probably burned enough times by people who had food delivered(yes even to their house) and disputed the charge.

They are supposed to maintain proper care and custody of the receipts, and if this is a reputable business you can be fairly sure that they would. If by some chance your card number was taken and used you can dispute the charge with your CC company.

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