Wednesday, February 1, 2012

How much is it appropriate to tip a delivery guy?

Like a pizza or chinese food delivery guy?

What if your meal was only like $8-$10?

Am I obligated to still give them $5?How much is it appropriate to tip a delivery guy?
The standard tip is 15% or $2 minimum.

On an $8 - $10 a $2 tip is appropriate.
20% for delivery. ALWAYS! Anything less is tacky.How much is it appropriate to tip a delivery guy?
i would only give them $5 if the bill was close to $20

otherwise i always give them 20%
I always do a little more than 20 % and also , that also get s me great delivery and get to know your delivery person , make them feel as though the the best reassures that my delivery is fast hot and extra good , it helps if you can give a little more , after all there out in all kinds of weather conditions getting your food to you ,that little extra is worth it for me and they remember you also,yes just a little over 20% , you will see the differanceHow much is it appropriate to tip a delivery guy?
If your meal was 8 dollars, I'd just give them a $10 bill and let them keep the change.

If it was $10, I'd probably just give them a few dollars extra.

I thinkit would be asking too much to expect you to pay 15 dollars for a meal that was only $8 or 10
I think tips are a waste of money.If I have a pizza delivered,I only round up to the next dollar.If the pizza is $19.79.they'll get a $20.bill My money is too hard to come by to give it away.Tips are extortion in my book.They should be abolished.
I never tip less than 5.00, but no places will deliver under 10.00, or more. The delivery guy uses his own car his own gas and gets minimum wage or less; if people don't want to tip fairly they need to pick up their own food.
I tip 20% of the bill...

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